Aafter almost a week of being stranded in Osh awaiting for the seal for final drive, I am back on the road again. It was a quick two-hour run up to Sary-Tash, a small little village at the base of the Parmir mountain range. The village is just short of the Tajikistan border, and is the last speck if civilization before the Pamir Highway. The highway is by all accounts epic, and will bring me over the Pamir mountain range, into the Wakhan Valley, and right next to the Afghanistan and Chinese borders. The trip should be nothing less than amazing. The only negative is that due to the remoteness, I will not have access to internet for the next 10 days. This will be the first time since the late 1990s that this will have happened. Not sure I will survive.

Leg Distance: 117 mi (189 km)
Total Distance Traveled by Motorcycle: 27,266 mi (43,976 km)
Yurt Village |
Leg Distance: 117 mi (189 km)
Total Distance Traveled by Motorcycle: 27,266 mi (43,976 km)
Countries/Territories Visited: USA, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, France, Monaco, Italy, Vatican City, San Marino, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Transnistria, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
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