My first time visiting Poland and I must admit I had no idea what to expect. My recollections from world history is that they were a much conquered, resilient nation, and were locked behind the iron curtain for my formative years. I was pleasantly surprised when rolling in. In all accounts, a first world country. Krakow is a very advanced, very attractive City with the worlds major business establishing a foothold. Krakow is growing so fast, that they experience just 3 percent unemployment. The old section of the City is very attractive and a buzz of activity.
The most somber moment of the trip so far has happened during this visit. I visited Auschwitz, and the tour was excellent but disturbing. They have made a concerted effort to keep the buildings intact and have made exhibits of prisoner belongings like shoes, brushes, and hair that was shorn off before extermination. Not sure if it was the guide I had, or all guides, but it seems as though much of the tour was geared toward making sure that those who deny the Holocaust, gain no traction.
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