Arrived into the City of Odessa. It is a wonderful little City. Has all the conveniences of the western world ... at one-third the price. In my opinion, this is the most livable City that I have encountered on my trip. Clean, walk-able, and nuzzled up against the Black Sea. Has about everything to offer. Most importantly, the people looked genuinely happy. The only bizarre thing I encountered was that I was stared at pretty much wherever I went. Not a quick glance, but a turn their head and track me where I went kind of stare. Men or woman, didn't matter. I asked a local as to why they thought this was, and the answer was, "do they stare more when I have my sunglasses on or off" Not knowing, I did a little test and took on and off my sunglasses periodically, and I'll be damned, they did only stare with the sunglasses off. The answer as to why, because I do not have the Ukrainian facial structure around my eyes, and when people noticed, they were staring to see if they could figure out as to why I was in their City. After this realization, I looked around, and yes, everyone looked alike. No Asians, Africans, and thanks to Hitler, no Jews. I think the staring was more out of curiosity than concern.

Stage Distance: 264mi (425km)
Total Distance Traveled: 19.231mi (30,873km)
Countries/Territories Visited: USA, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, France, Monaco, Italy, Vatican City, San Marino. Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine

Stage Distance: 264mi (425km)
Total Distance Traveled: 19.231mi (30,873km)
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